Our Serials
The featured Journal of Axia Academic Publishers is actually Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics.
Labyrinth was founded 1999 by the Institute for Axiological Research / Institut für Axiologische Forschungen (Vienna). From 1999 till 2002 it was an on-line journal and appeared thereafter in printed volumes. Since 2014 it is both, a printed academic journal, available for purchase, and an electronic open access journal. Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Dr. Yvanka B. Raynova, and Managing Editor - Dr. Susanne Moser. The Editorial Board includes renowned international scholars from Europe and the USA.
As a nonpartisan philosophical and interdisciplinary journal Labyrinth is engaged in publication of high quality peer-reviewed academic articles, critical essays, interviews and book reviews. Although it is focused on philosophy and on axiology, i.e. on the philosophy and theory of values and their sociocultural contexts, it is also open to related issues in all fields of the humanities and the social sciences with a special emphasis on critical thinking, social controversies and conflict resolution, interfaith dialogue, intercultural and cross-cultural communication, gender studies and managing diversity.
Book Series
Klassiker der Axiologie / Axiology Classics
This series is dedicated to the Founders and the key works of Axiology. It will include original texts and commentaries on H. Lotze, W. Windelband, H. Rickert, F. Nietzsche, E. von Hartmann, F. Brentano, A. Meinong, Chr. von Ehrenfels, E. Husserl, M. Scheler, N. Hartmann, G. E. Moore, H. Rashdall, W. D. Ross, W. James, J. Dewey, R. B. Perry a.o. As a multilingual series it may include also translations.
The series aims to display the beginnings and the evolution of the philosophical value theories, their competitive relationships, even antagonisms, but also their precious polyphony.
Studies in Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Contemporary Philosophy
A Multilingual Series of BFO-Fenomenologia, the Bulgarian Phenomenological Association, founded and directed by Prof. Dr. Yvanka B. Raynova
The purpose of this book series is to promote the phenomenological and hermeneutical reinterpretation of the tasks, the methods and responsibilities of philosophy in regard to the challenges of the present situation, to apply their methods to different topics, to discuss their role in contemporary thought and praxis, and to explore the interconnections between phenome-nology, hermeneutics and other currents in philosophy and the humanities. The series aims to contribute to the Bulgarian philosophical discourse, as well as to a multilingual intercultural dialogue. Volumes may include collected papers, monographs, translations, textbooks, and reference works in Bulgarian, English, German, and French.
The first volume was published in 2004 by the Bulgarian Phenomenological Center (BPC) in cooperation with the Institute of Axiological Research, and the name of the Series was initially: Rethinking Philosophy: Studies of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Contemporary Thought. After the transformation of the BPC in BFO-Fenomenologia, the Bulgarian Phenomenological Association, the book series was rebuilt and included in the new program of Axia Academic Publishers.
The Volumes include:
vol. 1 Yvanka Raynova, Petar Dimitrov, Georgi Angelov (ed.). Putista na filosofiata v suvremennia sviat (Philosophical Paths in the Contemporary World). IAF: Vienna/Sofia, 2004.
vol. 2 Yvanka Raynova (ed.). Filosofia, interpretazia i otgovornost: fenomenologicheski i hermenevticheski perspektivi (Philosophy, Interpretation and Responsibility: Phenomenological and Hermeneutical Perspectives), Vienna/Sofia: IAF 2005, Axia Academic Publishers, Second.ed. 2016.
vol. 3 Yvanka B. Raynova. Bezdnata na samostta i otblyasatsite na absolyutnoto. Kam hermenevtikata na fenomenologicheskite tsennostni teorii (The Abyss of the Self and the Reflections of the Absolute. A Contribution to the Hermeneutics of the Phenomenological Value Theories). Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers, 2019.
vol. 4 Tatyana Batuleva. Suvremenni prochiti na zhenskoto (Contemporary Interpretations of Femininity). Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers, 2019.
vol. 5 Yvanka B. Raynova, Ivan Kolev (eds.). Fenomenologia: Nasledstvata na Edmund Husserl (Phenomenology: The Legeacies of Edmund Husserl). Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers (in. prep.).
Contributions to the European History of Ideas
A Multilingual Series edited by Yvanka B. Raynova and supervised by the Department of History of Philosophical and Scientific Ideas of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Cooperation with the Institute for Axiological Research (Vienna). The Series is dedicated to the research of the historical receptions and transmissions of classical and modern ideas trough Europe, of their mutual influences as well as of their specific national/cultural contexts.
The Volumes include:
Vol. 1 - Tatyana Batuleva (Ed.). Bulgarski glasove v chuzhbina: filosofski akcenti (Bulgarian Voices Abroad. Philosophical Emphases). Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers, 2021.
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Vol. 2 - Yvanka B. Raynova (Ed.). Ot vazmozhnoto kam dejstvitelnoto: Filosofski, istoricheski i metodologicheski problemi na nauchnoto poznanie (From the possible to the actual. Philosophical, historical and methodological problems of scientific knowledge.). Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers, 2022.
An anniversary collection in honor of Azarya Polikarov (1921-2000)
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The Women Philosophers Series
The series is dedicated to key figures of feminist philosophy and, more largely, to women in philosophy. It will present original oeuvres as well as discussion on Marie de Gournay, Olympe de Gouges, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Simone de Beauvoir a.o. classics, and also works of contemporary women working in the field of philosophy.
The first volume - Neuere Aspekte in der Philosophie: aktuelle Projekte von Philosophinnen am Forshungsstandort Österreich (2015) - includes texts of contemporary Austrian women philosophers and presents a view of the broad spectrum of philosophical topics and debates in Austria in the filed of philosophy, feminist philosophy, gender studies, and queer theory.
Axia Open & Axia Paid
All electronic Publications (Journals, Monographies, and Collected Papers Volumes) of the printed series are and will be available as Open Access or Paid Publications at the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).

Mortimer J. Adler
“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
American Philosopher, Writer