Hermeneutics and Critique from a Liberation Ethics Perspective
Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Ethics, Liberation, HistoryAbstract
This article merely refers to some fundamental theses developed by the author already in his book Ethics of Liberation: In the Age of Globalization and Exclusion (Durham: Duke University Press, 2013). The strategy of the argument takes the following path: First, it begins with some reflections by Paul Ricoeur about universal civilization and its particular cultures; second, it summarizes a non-eurocentric historical perspective that is pertinent to the Modern Globalizing System; third, it describes the asymmetrical location of the "participants" which resulted from the violent process of inclusion in the World System; forth, it points out to certain aspects through which one can see ethical and critical demands within the horizon of globalization; fifth, in conclusion the author suggests some relevant topics for future discussions.Downloads
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