Zwischen Verdacht und Vertrauen: Das "dialektische Spiel" von Paul Ricœurs Hermeneutik


  • Yvanka B. Raynova Institute of Philosophy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / Institut für Axiologische Forschungen, Wien



Paul Ricoeur, trust, suspicion, phenomenology, hermeneutics, religion


Too often associated with suspicion rather than trust, Ricœur's hermeneutics is understood by many primarily as a critical endeavor. In this way, the fragile balance that he is trying to maintain between the two approaches is ignored. The objective of the following study is, by means of Ricoeur's "dialectical game of suspicion and trust", to elucidate the complexity of his hermeneutics and to demonstrate that trust is as pivotal as suspicion. At the difference of some authors who maintain that trust and suspicion are opposed, even mutually exclusive approaches of two kinds of hermeneutics, it will be shown that Ricoeur has developed a single hermeneutics which encompasses both approaches and explores them on different levels (epistemological, anthropological, ethical, sociopolitical). In the limited number of contributions dedicated to Ricoeur's concept of trust, these different levels are frequently conflated, whereby the relationship between religious belief and trust/mistrust is completely ignored. Consequently, the divergent perspectives of his early and late philosophical work, as well as certain discontinuities, are overlooked. Therefore, this study places a central emphasis on the neglected religious level of suspicion and trust. 


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How to Cite

Raynova, Y. (2024). Zwischen Verdacht und Vertrauen: Das "dialektische Spiel" von Paul Ricœurs Hermeneutik. Labyrinth, 25(2), 177–223.



On the Occasion of the 110th Birth Anniversary of Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005)

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