Aletheia : la vérité des traductions philosophiques en tant que traduction de la vérité. À la rencontre de Martin Heidegger, Paul Ricœur et Antoine Berman
À la rencontre de Martin Heidegger, Paul Ricœur et Antoine Berman
aletheia, Heidegger, Ricœur, Berman, translationAbstract
Aletheia: The Truth of Philosophical Translation as a Translation of Thruth.
An Encounter of Martin Heidegger, Paul Ricœur and Antoine Berman
The article analyzes the specificity of philosophical translations insofar as they generate a new meaning and present themselves as originals that must be retranslated. This goes against Ricœur’s conception of translation as a creation of comparable terms. We will show that philosophical translation consists in the creation of an incomparable term, which cannot be measured in terms of equivalence, adequacy or fidelity. All these terms correspond to a notion of truth understood as adequacy, therefore we operate a deconstruction of aletheia, the Greek concept for “truth”, in order to show that what we hold today to be the truth of translation has been the result of a translation. Through Heidegger’s reading of aletheia and through Berman’s account of the terms that name translation in Europe, we reinterpret the Roman philosophical translations as examples of traductio and we show, in the end, that by retranslating aletheia, the rules for the practice of translation change, allowing the latter to be guided by an ethical approach towards the otherness rather than by righteous fidelity and adequacy.
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