Philosophische Übersetzung zwischen "sprachlicher Gewaltanwendung" und translativer Hermeneutik. Translatorische Überlegungen aus der Sicht der Übersetzung(en) von Jean-Paul Sartres 'L'être et le néant'




Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness, translation, philosophical language, hermeneutics, interpretation, invention


Philosophical translation between "linguistic violence" and translative hermeneutics. Translational considerations from the perspective of the translation(s) of Jean-Paul Sartre's L'être et le néant


The establishment of translatology as a scientific discipline is a late phenomenon to which not only linguistics but also the philosophy of language has contributed significantly. Although the considerations of Schleiermacher, Ricoeur, Derrida, Balibar, Cassin and other philosophers are very stimulating for the examination of the translation problematics, they do not offer a particular translation theory of philosophical texts. Most of their works are of little help in practice when it comes to translating a complicated philosophical text. That is why I will take in this paper the opposite path and start from my own experience as a translator of philosophical literature into Bulgarian and, more concretely, from my translation of Jean-Paul Sartre's L'être et le néant. On the base of this key work of contemporary philosophy and its translations into different languages, I will address the difficulties and the specifics of philosophical translation, discuss various translation methods, and argue several theses, which could serve as impulses for a further development of translation theory and translation practice in the field of philosophy.



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How to Cite

Raynova, Y. (2019). Philosophische Übersetzung zwischen "sprachlicher Gewaltanwendung" und translativer Hermeneutik. Translatorische Überlegungen aus der Sicht der Übersetzung(en) von Jean-Paul Sartres ’L’être et le néant’. Labyrinth, 21(2), 9–23.



Contemporary Translation Debates in Philosophy and the Humanities