Friedrich Nietzsche, der "Meister des Verdachts". Über die Nietzsche-Lektüren von Michel Foucault und Paul Ricoeur
Friedrich Nietzsche, Michel Foucault, Paul Ricoeur, cogito, illusions, masksAbstract
Friedrich Nietzsche, the "Master of Suspicion".
On the Nietzsche Readings of Michel Foucault and Paul Ricoeur
The term "masters of suspicion", which summarizes the critical views of Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, has found its way into contemporary philosophy through Paul Ricoeur and is considered his kind of "patent". It is less well known that Michel Foucault also wrote a text on the subject of "Nietzsche, Freud, Marx" in which he speaks of suspicion. The author therefore asks herself where this thematic agreement comes from and undertakes a comparison of Foucault's and Ricoeur's readings of Nietzsche. In doing so, she puts forward two theses that she attempts to prove. The first thesis is that Ricoeur actually begins where Foucault left off and leads us in a direction that is opposite to that of Foucault. The second thesis is that Foucault stays closer to Nietzsche by trying to advance his "suspicion" instead of overcoming it, as Ricoeur does.
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